Lifetime debut the Coco Chanel movie last Saturday, which is about the 'rags-to-riches'life of Chanel. If you missed it, it is available on iTunes (plus, that way it is only a little over two hours sans commercials).
The film opens in 1954, the year that Chanel staged her comeback into fashion after a self-imposed exile. It is both sad and shocking to see the reaction of her audience. I love historical pieces, but they are always bittersweet. You already know how it is going to end and if the producers stay true to the story, there are always moments where you truly wish you could change history.
The film jumps back and forth to her present and past. I enjoyed seeing the details of her life play out, that are usually only a sentence in a written bio. You see the interaction between Chanel and rival designer Paul Poiret, her love affairs, her overall strong will and sadly her disappointments. Even though Shirley MacLaine gets top billing, I felt that Barbora Bobulova did an amazing job too, playing a young Coco. Definitely worth a watch.
photo cred: lifetime